Auckland’s Rapid KFC Network

I spent 30 minutes making a dumb map the other day, but figured it’s worth a post here as it went somewhat viral.

Map of Auckland rapid transit stations within walking distance from a KFC

I was mostly just messing around with Photoshop on the iPad editing Auckland Transport’s excellent rapid transit map. Photoshop on iPad on the other hand, is not so excellent. Hopefully it continues to improve.

There’s a couple of spots that were on the cusp of making the cut - Manukau & Akoranga. It’s really not the distance that’s the issue for these ones, but the oversized roads that you need to cross. Otahuhu almost made it, but the station is just a bit too far from the town centre. Hopefully one day, the town centre will sprawl all the way to the station.

There is a general lack of shops integrated into stations in Auckland. With the exception of Britomart, the most you’ll get is a coffee stand in the concourse. It’s not for a lack of space either, just ambition. Would love to see our stations become more like Hong Kong, or even Sydney.

Tweet ended up on the KFC instagram story

How many of the KFCs have I actually visited on this map? Only Britomart, Newmarket, Panmure, Sylvia Park, and Auckland Airport. As much as I love KFC, I won’t be taking up the challenge to hit all of these in a single day.